Sunday, April 30, 2006

Hello everyone! Long time no post! We have been busy with work and home improvements (pictures soon) lately. We definitely have been neglecting this blog - sorry!

We were invited to Brent and Joy Saneholtz's wedding this past Saturday. Quite a crew was there (as you can see in the images) and it was a great time. All these guys do is laugh and act like complete clowns - it is great. For whatever reason they thought it would be a good idea to bong beer out of the centerpiece vases - I wonder what the makeshift bong at our wedding will be?! All in all it was a fun evening! There is never a moment with this gang when you are not laughing. Enjoy the pics! Sorry if I spelled anyone's name wrong!

The Happy Couple

D Brown & Schmidty

Sticky and I


Trey, Schmidty, Chachi, Saneholtz, D Brown, and Sticky

Pat Schmidt and his lovely lady Krystal

D Brown and his friend Kylie

Chach with his woman Jessica

Kyle and her husband Trey

A Few Clowns!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Oh Happy Day

Oh happy day. Spring is in the air and there's a spring in my step. I just love when the weather starts getting nice. Things start greening up and trees and flowers start blooming. Everything starts "lookin' up". You see, when the days start getting longer and the skies aren't so gray, people become more happy. Smiles last a little longer and gaits get a little bop and jive in them. I smell grills all over the neighborhood. I see bicycles rollin' past the front porch. I feel refreshed. Check out these spring pics that Brandy scored. I think they'll make you feel it, too.
Later on.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

random pics.easter weekend

Hello everyone! Sorry that it has been some time since the last post. This week has been pretty full. I could tell that I had a lot on my mind this morning when I could not remember whether or not I just put shampoo in my hair. I guess two shampooings is better than none!

As for this post, we thought we might put a few random images up from the past weekend. We had a pretty laid back Easter and it was GREAT! As you have seen before in the previous post we spent Friday night in Chickasaw. The plan for the rest of the weekend was to go away (Grand Rapids, MI) but we ended up staying home and spending Easter with my side of the family. It was fantastic - the best part had to be the brunch we had on Easter Sunday at the Family & Friends Cafe in Fort Wayne, IN. The food was AMAZING! And I cannot forget to comment on how great the weather was all weekend - not a typical Easter weekend that's for sure. Here are some random pics to enjoy:

Looks like Stevo has a lawn technician in training.

Those eyes!

Lexi and April flowers.

That's a hum-dinger of a bluegill, Sticky!

A bass from Randy's pond.

Warm Sunset at the Reservoir

Willis enjoying his bone from the Easter Bunny.

Friday, April 14, 2006

impromptu photo shoot

We ventured over to Chickasaw, OH today for a little Easter get-together at Grandma Audi's. I had already planned on snapping a quick family shot of the Cummins (before 3 becomes 4 officially) but I had no idea that Jayden was going to be in her "oh so chic" rain gear so I couldn't resist. I also captured my first rainbow of the year (not the greatest shot but that is what I get for not having my wide angle lens on me). It was all in all a fun evening. Wish the weather would have been a little nicer - so I could have more images to show - but I think we have a couple of cute ones here! Can't wait to see everyone again! Hey Kiley if you are reading this I need your email address please!

Rain was invented solely for the fashion - right Jayden?

Kim, Little Miss Maddie and Carl Cummins(unknown Baby Cummins in the oven)

Love those lips, Carl!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

the adams family.disney world

I just received an email from Ollie, Amber, Stephanie and Austin about their trip to Disney World - Orlando, FL. Sounds like they are having a great time other than the fact that the lines are long. The email also said something about the kids wanting to swim all day so it must be hot! Nonetheless I am always jealous when people head off to Disney! I worked there in the Spring of '97 and had the best time and met the greatest people (Shan, Robyn and Paula). Sticky and I have considered going there for part of the Honeymoon which would be fine by me! So here are a couple of pics from their vacation. Hopefully they will send me more of the whole family (hint, hint). Can't wait to hear from them again!

Here's some more that Ollie just sent:

Sunday, April 09, 2006

couples shower.gary and stacey's

Last night we spent the evening at Scary Gary and Stacey's house for their wedding shower. It was all in all a great evening - Stacey's friend Jen did a Grand Slam job on the food (all sorts of cheese and YUMMY MINI CAKES!) and Gary and Stacey received some pretty cool gifts. I would have to say that The Scrub and Cecelia gave them one of the best - a fire pit for their backyard. The absolute best part was being able to see everyone - it seems like we are all so busy it is nearly impossible to get together anymore! I can't wait for the wedding (a little preview of Gary with some of his Groomsmen in the 3rd pic) and the official opening of Hotel Adams/Rammel. I just hope we have enough air mattresses!

"The Happy Couple with their signature shirts!"

Thursday, April 06, 2006

A great day at the ballpark

Hey everyone. Sticky here. Well somehow Brandy and I, along with our good friends Nick and Michelle, managed to get out of work on Wednesday for the sole reason of going to the ballpark. I can think of no better way to spend a day than going to Great American Ballpark. The Reds held off the Cubs 8-6. There was some great action, home runs by Aurilia, Arroyo, and Griffey. Brandy likes Ryan Freel, she says he's "stealthy". He stole three bases and scored three runs. As you can see by the pics, we got an up close and personal look at the ESPN guys doin' there pregame piece. Michelle asked Steve Stone if we could get a picture with us and he said yes, but then Steve Phillips came by and told Stone to quit patronizing the fans because they had to get up to the booth. Oh well, it's not like it was Marty Brennaman or Joe Nuxall.