great email from chad and nicky...
This made us smile so we thought we would pass it along to all of you! Congrats guys!!
Email from Paige Hess (Age 1):
I've had a very busy day. I started the day off at Aunt Kiley's where I got to play with Jayden and Taylor that was awesome. Then Mom and Dad came to pick me up and told Aunt Kiley something and put a new shirt on me and Kiley started talking real loud. Then we went to see Grandma Karen, Papaw Tom was in his truck,when we walked in I seen Buffy and took off my coat and showed my shirt to Grandma. When she read it she got real loud and started hugging everybody. I sure wish I knew what this shirt said? Then Uncle T came in and he started laughing but not in a mean way it was funny. Then Grama called Papaw, he got loud too. All of this loudness was really starting to make me tired, so instead of visiting everybody Daddy said we could e-mail you a picture of this dang shirt everyone's so excited about. I just don't know what it means though. Do you think you could figure it out and tell me? Mommy and daddy say I have to take a nap now before we go to my other grandma's house later.
P.S. I sent you a picture of the shirt so you could figure it out for me.
Email from Paige Hess (Age 1):
I've had a very busy day. I started the day off at Aunt Kiley's where I got to play with Jayden and Taylor that was awesome. Then Mom and Dad came to pick me up and told Aunt Kiley something and put a new shirt on me and Kiley started talking real loud. Then we went to see Grandma Karen, Papaw Tom was in his truck,when we walked in I seen Buffy and took off my coat and showed my shirt to Grandma. When she read it she got real loud and started hugging everybody. I sure wish I knew what this shirt said? Then Uncle T came in and he started laughing but not in a mean way it was funny. Then Grama called Papaw, he got loud too. All of this loudness was really starting to make me tired, so instead of visiting everybody Daddy said we could e-mail you a picture of this dang shirt everyone's so excited about. I just don't know what it means though. Do you think you could figure it out and tell me? Mommy and daddy say I have to take a nap now before we go to my other grandma's house later.
P.S. I sent you a picture of the shirt so you could figure it out for me.

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